Hey Guys

Welcome to our blog.

Dylan Smart

Alex Stedman

Joshua Rawlins

Tuesday 6 March 2012

AS: Audience Research

We posted a questionnaire on survey monkey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/9MCDGKY .
  • We had 56% male participants and 44% female, of these, 88% were 16-20 year old and the remaining 12% specified ‘other’.
  • With regards to having a male antagonist in our opening, 43.8% said they were unsure on the importance.  The second most popular response was ‘not important’ with 25%. However we are still going to continue with our plans to include a male antagonist.
  • 68.8% said that they didn’t believe viewing a murder in a horror was essential to it’s success. This has reassured us that our film opening will still work effectively, as we originally decided on not featuring any direct violence.
  •  We also asked our audience on what location they felt would be the most suitable for our opening. 37.% put preference on the abandoned slaughter house. However unfortunately due to restrictions we are unable to use this location – we found this when we undertook our reccie visit. 
  • The second most popular location was woodlands, and the third most popular was the church. These are the two locations we have already planned to use, so this data is useful to us.

  • We requested our participants to describe what type of music they would expect to hear in a horror film. About 25% (the majority) suggested orchestral and fast paced music. We are still undecided on what music to include but this has assisted us in our choice.

  • Lastly we queried our participants which they found most scary; either a masked or unmasked killer. 62.5% said they found a masked killer more frightening therefore we will continue with our original plan to have a masked antagonist.

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