Hey Guys

Welcome to our blog.

Dylan Smart

Alex Stedman

Joshua Rawlins

Sunday 4 March 2012

Research & Planning - interim grade

Well done, the blog is an interesting record of concept development so far and demonstrates high proficiency in using key concepts to research similar texts. There are some gaps and areas of analysis that are underdeveloped; representation and ideology, however the technical observations are very good, and the practice tasks show that you are clearly using this research to inform your technical skills development. Use of ICT to present work is proficient - some images, embedded clips, however pitch slides could have been improved on and you need to use the blog to embed / comment, post scanned images etc.

Other gaps on the blog are:
1. Detailed analysis of audience research - just a survey monkey link posted?
2. Pitch embedded in post
3. new recce from last week - still no photos
4. No posts since last Wed? I would expect you to be recording and continuing concept development, storyboarding, sound etc.
5. Josh is posting comments regularly - but Alex/Dylan there needs to be more from you

At the moment you are all at a high L3 for planning.

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