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Monday 23 January 2012

AS: Film Opening Analysis 2

Camp Blood



  1. The narrative in the opening sequence is organised so that each of the opening characters are able to be introduced to the audience. The structure means that suspense is built up around the subtext of the 'killer clown' story.
  2. The audience is positioned with the two characters in the isolated location along with the narrative to help them to be able to feel emotions and especially the girls fear when the man tells her the story.
  3. One main technique of identification would be the way that the two main characters are portrayed. The way that they are dressed suggests that they are normal people who are not wearing anything too exaggerated. Moreover, the lunches they have prepared themselves connote innocence, and more importantly naivety on the women's behalf. 
  4. The theme created in the narrative is naivety and innocence.
  5. Tension is created through the introduction of the clown story from the man to his girlfriend. This tension is maintained through the emotions of the woman upon hearing the story and her fear helps keep this tension going and makes the audience feel it as well. 
Representation and Ideology:

  1. Young people are represented in this clip as being vulnerable and innocent. The young woman has no idea of the clown story and if she did it is likely that she would not have stopped for lunch like her boyfriend asked her to. 
  2. The main value that is evident in the clip is the supportive relationship that the woman has for her partner. Shown by the acceptance to sit and eat with him and her knowledge of his favourite drink.
  3. Semiotics constructs representation because the woman's fear is indicated and once she is aware of the story her communication that she has with her boyfriend that was friendly before the story was told seems to disappear and she becomes scared to be left on her own. The main aspect of semiotics is the symbol of the clown face, this helps to represent the boyfriend as being deceiving and hurtful as he is attempting to scare his innocent girlfriend. 

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