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Monday 23 January 2012

JR 6245: Film Opening Analysis 3

Saw 1 (Wan, 2004)

  • The tension begins in this with the silence and with the introduction of small, quiet diagetic sounds the audience can detect an echo which involves generic conventions of the Horror genre.
  • Again the panicy tone of the initial character is understood by the audience as there is a great sense of tension in the room, it is dark, it is echoed, there are other eary sounds in the distance then there are questions that are unanswered: Why is he chained up? Why is he there? Who is holding him captive?
Film Language:
  • As the lights come on the man squints and looks in shock from the light which shows the audience just how dark it was before and to reinforce this point the camera shows a POV shot in the position of the character and the screen appears blurred and dissorientated.
  • The mise-en-scene of the set also has generic conventions as it is a tiled room with very basic features and it's facilities look very dirty and disgusting, it resembles a slaughter house which is quite ironic and perfect for its purpose.
  • When the camera tilts down and raises up over the body in the middle to give a full shot of the dead body the camera quickly rasises up higher and spins at the same time which connotes the characters trying to comprehend what is happening in this situation.
  • The camera shots then consecutively cut to quick still shots of the important features which the audience are supposed to note; the blooded head, the cassette recorder in his hand, the gun in his other hand.

1 comment:

  1. A good start, but more needed on generic conventions - use screenshots to illustrate
