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Dylan Smart

Alex Stedman

Joshua Rawlins

Sunday 29 January 2012

Preliminary Task Feedback

Group 2: Preliminary Task


 1.  1.Outline brief (continuity, 180 degree, 2 lines of dialogue, opening door)
 Continuity editing means created logic coherence between shots. The 180 degree rules is where two characters should always be positioned with the same relationship to each other.We included two lines of dialogue in our clip, we used them at the end so that the story is summed up by the protagonist. The shot where the protagonist opens the door is used with cutting on action to create a sense of realism as we follow his movement.
2.  What did you learn about filming? What are your best shots? What difficulties did you encounter?
From the task, we learnt that it is always best to get two of every shot you take so that you have the option to choose the better one of the two. Moreover, we learnt it takes a lot of time and thought to be able to get the correct shot that you want. One of our best shots is the shot after the deal has been done, where the two different characters go their separate ways. Also, another one of our best shots is the handicam shot of the chase, placing the audience with the characters.

3.  What did you learn about editing? What did you do in post-production that was successful?
 When editing what we had shot, we learnt that the most difficult part is to condense the footage down to help ensure the project doesn't get boring for the audience. Our most successful thing that we did post production was cutting out the beginning and ends of shots that were longer than they needed to be. This helped maintain a smooth flowing clip that engaged with the audience.
4.4.  Evaluate your production. What are the strengths and weaknesses? What tips would you therefore give yourself for the opening sequence production? 
The main strength of our production is the variation of shots. Considering this was our first attempt at production, we are happy with the variety of shots we were able to capture. One area we believe we can improve on is improving our panning of the camera for shots, as well as trying to enhance the steadiness of future handicam shots. Therefore tips we would give ourselves for the opening sequence include:
  • Smoother panning in shots
  • Try to steady the handicam shots slightly
  • Position the camera in better places for shots

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